This guide will introduce you to the relationship between an Edition Data Record and an Edition Record in your Artlogic database.
What are Edition Data Records & Edition Records?
Edition Data records
Edition Data records act as an umbrella record to represent the concept of an edition. They are not physical objects and cannot be sold. These records act as a way to tie together and connect information between all of the edition records.
Edition records
Edition records are the individual, physical editions that can be worked with (ie. sold, consigned out, located etc.).
The relationship between an Edition Data Record & an Edition record
What information is connected between Edition Data Records and edition records?
Edition Data Records contain the foundational information of an edition. Any updates made to a Edition Data Record will update all the edition records that are attached. This includes any edits made subsequently to its creation.
The following information, if edited in a Edition Data Record, will automatically update its edition records:
- Artist details - artist, artist dates and artist sort
- Title
- Medium
- Dimensions
- Signed and dated details
- Images (and embedded videos)
- Edition totals
- Stock numbers (unless detached and manually changed)
- Courtesy and credit lines
- Period, series and type info
- Country of Origin
- Manufacturer
- Material
- Installation instructions
- Conservation
- Insurance details
- Consignor notes
The price of an Edition Data Record will only be applied to its edition records when they are created. This is because many organisations apply dynamic pricing to editions as they sell out. Therefore, price changes in Edition Data Records will not update its edition records automatically after the point of creation.
Make an Edition Data Record and edition records
If you are using the Artwork Import Tool, you only need to import one Artwork Record for each edition. Once this has been imported, you will need to enter the record and complete the following steps:
- Go to your Artworks > New record > Create new record > toggle ON This work is a print or edition and Edition Data Record.
- Tick Show more options
- Select Create edition records and choose which records to 'create edition records' for
- Save your record
Attached vs. Detached
Sometimes it may not be appropriate for all the information listed above to update across all edition records. In this case, you can choose to detach the record from the Edition Data Record. This fundamentally means these details won't update across the two, though a backend connection will still exist which is important for other functionalities, such as website integration and Private Views.
Learn more by reading how to detach and re-attach edition records.
Prints & editions settings
To find the print and edition settings, navigate to Other > Admin > Preferences > Core preferences > Artworks.
The 'Always show 'Edition details' field
- The Edition details field is only displayed when This work is a print or edition is selected. Turning this preference on will always display the Edition details field and mean any information entered into this field will always be displayed in documents, private views etc., regardless of whether the work is selected to be a print or edition.
Hide Grouped editions on Preview Pane field
- Turning this setting on will remove the Grouped editions view from the preview pane that appears when clicking on an artwork record.
Video tutorial
To learn more about Prints and editions, please watch our video below: