You will only pay fees on transactions as outlined on this page. Transaction fees are charged at the time of the transaction. Artlogic does not charge any additional fees to use Artlogic Pay. The following rates only apply to transactions made through the Artlogic-Stripe integration. Please check the headings below for the appropriate rates for your gallery.
Please note that the below fees may be subject to change.
Which rate applies if my Artlogic account is used in multiple countries?
The transaction rate depends on the location that was set when you first set up your Artlogic Database. This rate will apply to all payment links generated from your database, including for invoices outside of that country. If your main location has changed and you want this updated please contact Artlogic Support.
How can I pass the fees on to the buyer?
If you would like to pass on a portion of these fees to the buyer, you may consider adding a surcharge as a 'sundry item' to the invoice. This can be achieved by adding the surcharge using the 'Add Sundry Items' feature, and labelling the amount as a “surcharge” on the receipt. Please be aware that regulations related to surcharging vary by geographic location and payment processor – in some cases it is prohibited. We suggest that you obtain independent compliance advice before implementing a surcharging program.
Galleries in EU member states
The following rates apply to galleries based in the European Union. You will only be charged one fee per transaction as outlined in the tables below.
EU Galleries - EU cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
1.4% |
+ €0.30 |
Credit |
1.9% |
+ €0.30 |
Amex |
3.5% |
+ €0.30 |
Prepaid |
2.4% |
+ €0.30 |
Corporate |
1.9% |
+ €0.30 |
EU Galleries - UK cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
2.5% |
+ €0.30 |
Credit |
3.0% |
+ €0.30 |
Amex |
4.5% |
+ €0.30 |
Prepaid |
3.5% |
+ €0.30 |
Corporate |
3.0% |
+ €0.30 |
EU Galleries - International cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
2.9% |
+ €0.30 |
Credit |
3.4% |
+ €0.30 |
Amex |
4.5% |
+ €0.30 |
Prepaid |
3.9% |
+ €0.30 |
Corporate |
3.4% |
+ €0.30 |
SEPA fees
Value |
Rate |
<€57,500 |
1% |
>€57,500 |
0.15% |
Galleries in the UK
The following rates apply to galleries based in the United Kingdom. You will only be charged one fee per transaction as outlined in the tables below.
UK Galleries - UK cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
1.4% |
+ 30p |
Credit |
1.9% |
+ 30p |
Amex |
3.5% |
+ 30p |
Prepaid |
2.4% |
+ 30p |
Corporate |
2.4% |
+ 30p |
UK Galleries - EU cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
2.5% |
+ 30p |
Credit |
3.0% |
+ 30p |
Amex |
4.5% |
+ 30p |
Prepaid |
3.5% |
+ 30p |
Corporate |
3.5% |
+ 30p |
UK Galleries - International cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
2.9% |
+ 30p |
Credit |
3.4% |
+ 30p |
Amex |
4.5% |
+ 30p |
Prepaid |
3.4% |
+ 30p |
Corporate |
3.4% |
+ 30p |
Bacs fees
Value |
Rate |
<£50,000 |
1% |
>£50,000 |
0.15% |
Galleries in the US
The following rates apply to galleries based in the United States of America. You will only be charged one fee per transaction as outlined in the tables below.
US Galleries - US cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
2.9% |
+30¢ |
Credit |
3.4% |
+30¢ |
Amex |
3.7% |
+30¢ |
Prepaid |
3.9% |
+30¢ |
Corporate |
3.4% |
+30¢ |
US Galleries - International cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
3.9% |
+30¢ |
Credit |
4.4% |
+30¢ |
Amex |
4.7% |
+30¢ |
Prepaid |
4.9% |
+30¢ |
Corporate |
4.9% |
+30¢ |
ACH fees
Value |
Rate |
<$65,000 |
1% |
>$65,000 |
0.15% |
Galleries in the rest of the world
The following rates apply to galleries based outside of the UK, USA and the European Union. These rates are outlined in USD. You will only be charged one fee per transaction as outlined in the tables below.
Domestic card rates
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
2.9% |
+30¢ |
Credit |
3.4% |
+30¢ |
Amex |
3.7% |
+30¢ |
Prepaid |
3.9% |
+30¢ |
Corporate |
3.4% |
+30¢ |
International cards
Type |
Rate |
Flat rate |
Debit |
3.9% |
+30¢ |
Credit |
4.4% |
+30¢ |
Amex |
4.7% |
+30¢ |
Prepaid |
4.9% |
+30¢ |
Corporate |
4.9% |
+30¢ |