Artist records are automatically created when you first add a record by that particular artist to your database. You can use these records to store important information as well as to share documents about your artists.
Using your Artist inventory
Find your Artists
Log in to your database and click the Artist tab.
Please note that for the Artists tab to appear, there must be artworks by two or more artists in your database (and if there is just one artwork it must have an image too).
Please also check that your browser is opened to its maximum size, when this is reduced to a certain size, the Artist tab is hidden.
Quick find an artist's artworks
From your Artists overview you can click an artist's individual tile to quickly open their Artworks in the Artworks Overview screen:
Separate 'Gallery Artists'
Distinguish between Gallery Artists allows for easy navigation.
To do this go to: Artists > choose your gallery artist by clicking once on your Artist and selecting Edit > tick Gallery artist in the Details section.
Choose which Artwork image represents your Artist
To choose the Artwork image that represents the artist on the artist's page of Artlogic go to Artworks > choose your Artwork record by clicking the pencil edit icon > under the Artwork tab > tick 'This work represents the artist on the Artists page in Artlogic':
Selecting an artwork will override any previous selection.
Add documents to Artist records
You can add documents to your Artist records that can then be shared to your private views app and sent to your clients easily from there.
Artist sort
Artist sort is one of the fundamental ways your database organises artists, particularly when exporting them to a website or private views.
Click here to learn more about your artist sort.