Once you made an offer through your system you can use these tools to track them over the course of the sales process.
Where to track your Offers
View each offer made
Go to Sales and Marketing > Sales and offers > Offers made
Here, you are able to view all offers that have been made through your database, with the number of artworks and contacts listed and the option to view the individual artworks offered under View offers. You are also able to sort your records or, to manually create an offer, select New offer.
View, manage and track all offers
Go to Sales and Marketing > Sales and offers > All offer records
This page allows you to manage your offers, to see which were 'Exclusive' to a contact/s, 'Accepted', 'Rejected' and the Status of the offer. You can manage the status by clicking on the 'pencil edit' icon found when hovering over a record.
To better organise and manage your offers you are also able to 'Sort' your records by their status or to 'Export' your list as an Excel file.
Edit your offer statuses
Go to Sales and Marketing > Sales and offers > Offer status
Here, you'll be able to add new offer statuses and/or change the colour associated with pre-existing statuses. Check out our video tutorial below for more information.