This accounts report will export all appropriate tax fields sorted and subtotaled by state within the selected report criteria. If when making the report, some of the items read “no state entered,” you likely need to update the address formatting on those invoices.
Updating invoice addresses for the Sales Tax by State report
The Sales Tax by State report requires invoice addresses to be in a standard format in order to properly export the state field. Some invoices made prior to fall of 2023 may need their addresses corrected.
“Standard format” means that each part of the address has been entered into separate fields: street address, city, state, zip, country, etc. Older invoices may have this information all in one field.
To find and update invoices to a standard format follow the instructions below.
- Go to Accounts > Invoices
- Go to Quick Find and select Generated invoices with unsegmented addresses. If an invoice does not appear in this list then it already has an address in the standard format and does not need to be updated for it to appear in the report
- Find the invoice you want to update and click the pencil icon
- Underneath the address, click Update
- Search for the correct address
- Click Apply to all fields and click OK
- Click Confirm
- Click Save at the bottom of the screen. This will update the address in the account records.
- Update all of the invoices without standard formatted addresses that you want to appear in the Sales Tax by State report
Note: to avoid having to do this each time you run the report, we suggest that you ensure all addresses used in invoicing are in the standard format. You can do this by finding the contact and updating the addresses to the standard format on the contact record.