Artlogic products no longer support Internet Explorer and this article explains why.
Why Artlogic products do not support Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer was last updated in 2013 and is, effectively, being phased out by Microsoft (read more here). This means that Microsoft is currently only updating critical security issues that arise with the product and have not been updating anything related to the performance of the browser.
Due to this, we have made the decision to stop supporting Internet Explorer with Artlogic’s database. This will benefit our users in the long term as it allows us to offer better support and build more robust products, using modern technologies.
This came into effect at the end of September 2019 and from this point accessing your Artlogic Database from Internet Explorer will no longer be possible. We do not anticipate this should cause any disruption for our clients as you will still be able to use your system with all modern browsers.
What browser should I use instead?
We encourage our clients to use the following browsers for the optimal experience with your database, website CMS and general web browsing:
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Edge