Who can use this feature?
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Getting Started
This guide will introduce you to Marketing & Events lists and how to use them to send mailing campaigns.
This is a tool that you can use to group your contacts together based on a particular event you may be organizing, or for a designated list of contacts for an email campaign (to name a few examples).
Create a List
In your database, go to Marketing > Marketing & Events lists > Active
- Click 'New record' button at the bottom of the page. The new list will open in an edit screen.
This first tab allows you to enter important data and functionalities of your list:
- Public: (only for integrated websites) you can set your Marketing & Events list to Public to make this list and associated details available on your website CMS.
- Title
- Description
- Active: Toggling a list as Active allows the list to appear in the section ‘Active’, Advanced Searches, and Update/Delete Multiple.
- Expires: You can add an expiration date using a calendar provided.
- Event: By turning this setting on, you will enable a new tab at the top of your edit screen titled Guest List. More details about this tab are located below.
Once your Overview details have been filled out, click Save.
This second tab is where you add Contacts to your new list. Please follow the two workflows below for ways to perform this action:
- From Marketing & Events List:
- Click Invite Contacts button.
- On the new screen, flag the contacts you would like added to this list.
- If multiple contacts are chosen, choose Find flagged in the top right corner, or click the button Find flagged contacts at the bottom of the screen.
- Choose Use these contacts.
2. From Contacts:
- Navigate to Contacts > Views > Main or All.
- Find the contacts you would like added to your Marketing & Events list (filter, flag, Advanced search, etc.).
- Once your contacts are isolated in your Contacts page, choose Update/Delete Multiple > Update Multiple...
- Update... Found Set.
- Under the drop down 'Marketing and Events Lists' click Add to Marketing and events list.
- You can select your list from the drop down menu, or type it in to the search bar.
- Once selected, choose Update > OK.
Contacts Accept Invitations
When you are ready to record your contact's accepted/declined invitations, you can do so a couple of different ways:
- First, you can navigate to a desired contact record > click the record to open the Preview Pane > click dropdown for Marketing & Events > record their accepted invite or declined invite:
- You can also use the Update Multiple Tool to update contact record's invitation responses in bulk:
If you chose to make your Marketing & Event list an Event, you will have access to a fourth tab called Guest List.
Guest List
- For the Guest list tab, you can create an internal link (Create a guest list link) where you will be able to see which contacts have been marked as accepted, and can therefore track their attendance or if they have also brought guests with them:
2. Link live from: set a date from which the link created above is live.
3. Until: expiration date for live link (can automatically be set as the event expiration date using the box below:
4. Guest numbers: this toggle allows the number of guests to be changed when checking in an attendee.