Get full visibility of how your exhibitor page will appear on the live website by using the preview functionality in your Artlogic database.
Publishing your Page
Once you are happy with your uploaded artworks and you have completed all of the mandatory fields in the checklist, you'll be able to publish your Exhibitor page through to the fair website.
You can publish your page by opening up the Publish & Preview drop down in the setting panel on the right hand side. Here you'll see a toggle where you can update your page to 'Is Published';
It is crucial that you have published your page before the content deadline.
Previewing your Page
Once published, the next important step is to preview your page. Previewing will allow you to see exactly how your uploaded content will appear on the fair website before the site goes live to the public.
Click the 'Preview Exhibitor Page' button to see your page as it will appear on the fair website.
What to Check
View on a Wall
Make sure you are happy with how the View on a Wall looks for each of your artworks, by clicking on View on a Wall icon in each artwork on your page.
- Make sure the artwork is tightly cropped so no additional white space is showing around the artwork. Find out more about how to use this great feature here.
- Ensure only 2-dimensional artworks are being used for View on a Wall.
- Double check the dimensions of the piece vs the scale when projected on the wall.
Double check all of the videos you've entered, for both your main page and individual artworks, are working correctly.
Image Quality
Are the images for all of your artworks to a high standard? You can find out more about image specifications here.
Enquiry Buttons
Send a test email through to your gallery using the 'Send a Message' enquiry button on your exhibitor page to ensure you won't miss any enquiries from prospective buyers when the site is live;
As well as one from the individual enquiry button within an artwork detail page;
The email should come through to the email you've listed in the Gallery Details section of your event page edit screen;
Once you've checked all of the above, you are done! Your page is live and you're ready to go.
If you have any questions or concerns around your exhibitor page, please don't hesitate to reach out to the Artlogic team on We'd be very happy to help!