Upload, edit and share your artworks through to your exhibitor page
Adding New Artworks
Are you looking to add a new artwork to your exhibitor page? Click 'Add Artworks' in the settings panel on the right hand side to get started. [if you looking to pull an existing artwork record through, find out how you can do this here]
A blank artwork record will open up where you can fill out the details for your artwork;
Existing Artwork Records
If you're an existing Artlogic database client, the artworks you wish to share through to your exhibitor page may already be in your database. We've made it nice and easy to pull these artworks through to your exhibitor page.
Click on the Artworks tab at the top of the page, you'll see the Artworks checklist open up in the settings panel on the right hand side, click on the 'Add Artworks' button, then choose to 'Select existing artwork';
A panel will appear where you can search and then select the artworks you'd like to include as part of your exhibitor page;
Once added, they'll appear in your exhibitor page like so;
You'll then need to open and edit these existing records to ensure you have filled out the event specific fields and settings, such as; artwork categories, price, view on a wall etc.
Overriding Existing Artwork Fields
Edits made to artworks in the events tab are independent to the main artwork records in your database. If you make an update to an artwork from an event page edit screen [such as changing the currency or marking the artwork as sold] this will not update the original artwork record in your database. If you wish these changes to be made to the original artwork record as well, you will need to go to the main Artworks tab in your database and adjust the artwork record there.Editing Artworks
Once you've added your artworks into your event page edit screen you can easily make adjustments to them.
Status & Availability and Pricing
Status & Availability is a fundamental part of an artwork record, and it is particularly important for ensuring your works are correctly listed for visitors in your exhibitor page and across the fair website.
What do they mean?
The most useful status and availability combinations for the purposes of this event will be;
- On consignment - Available
- On consignment - Reserved
- Ex-Inventory - Sold
At the start of the event, all artworks must be available for sale, so the status will likely be “On consignment- Available.” During the event, you will be able to modify the status of the work to mark works as sold on the fair website.
Once you've selected the Status & Availability for your artwork, move down to the price section.
You'll have the choice of which currency you would like your artworks to be listed in on the fair website, as well the option to add a price label [i.e Ex VAT, Incl. VAT] and the framing/extras price.
Below, you'll have the option to decide how you would like the price to be displayed on your exhibitor page. You can either show the price, or hide the price. If you choose to hide the price from the website, the price range of the artwork will still be displayed in Euros.
Ticking 'Do not display price on the event website' will ensure the exact price you've entered will not show. However, the works will still be filtered into price bands automatically calculated on the main Artworks page of the fair website. These price bands are set by the fair. Find out more about the Artworks page here.
Image Specifications
The images files can be JPEG or PNG (not TIFF).
Go to the 'Images' tab within the artwork record and use the 'Upload' button to add secondary images. This might be installation or detail shots of the work.
Please note, if you need an element of transparency in your image (e.g. you are uploading an artwork in an elaborate frame for View on a Wall) we will need to upload the image as a .png file with a transparent background.
You can easily re-arrange the order of these secondary images by dragging and dropping them into place.
Unsure about what size your images should be? You can find out more about Image specifications here.
Artwork Page Categories
On the fair website there will be an 'Artworks' page where your galleries artworks will sit alongside other exhibitors work in a randomised order. Visitors to the fair will be able to search through these artworks using the filters. Your artworks will be automatically pulled through to this page once you have published your page. You don't need to do anything additional for them to appear here. You'll only be able to see this Artworks page once the site is live.
In order to help visitors to explore your artworks, you will have the option to select a medium filter in each artwork record. This will allow this work to be easily searched and categorised on the site.
It’s important to note, that as well as these categories for mediums that you select for each artwork in your database, there will be additional filters that are automatically applied to your works by the website. This will allow visitors to the website to easily search for your artworks in lots of different ways, for example by size and price range.
Re-order Artworks
You can easily rearrange your artworks by dragging and dropping them into the order you want. Make sure you click 'Save Page' after any changes.
Remove Artworks
To remove an artwork from your selection;
- Tick the box beneath the work, or works, you want to remove.
- Click the down arrow icon beneath one of the works
- Choose to 'remove selected items'
- Save page